Jury Plan...

We Just Help You Carry It Out. 

Whether you need creation,
data cleansing, or help with
your correspondence,
we’re here to help.


When it comes
to your jury wheel, you
can’t take any chances.

Make sure that you are working with a partner that can produce a product that is accurate and in a language you can understand and use. Bluegrass is SOC-2 Type 2 Certified and Data Insured and we work with U.S. District Courts all over the country. With almost 50 years of experience managing sensitive information, you can rest assured when handing off your data.

Here’s How We Can Help

We are a partner that can produce a product that is accurate and
in a language you can understand and use. Bluegrass can do that and more.


Jury Wheel Creation

Combining multiple data sources into one unduplicated file, we speak your language. We can receive and return your data in JMS format so it doesn’t get lost in translation.

Following your jury plan, we process your original source lists of millions of voter and drivers’ license records, remove duplicates, and create an exact smaller representation through random selection. Once created, the addresses are matched for updating. Participant numbers and JMS codes are appended to your data and the entire file is supplied to your court for easy conversion back to your system.

Mid Wheel Address Updating

Since 1 in 7 people move each year, it is crucial to keep your list updated. Peace of mind is included. We use camera systems and barcode verification to ensure that your mail goes to the intended recipient.

Based upon the age of your records within JMS, an out-of-date wheel costs time and money. We can receive your jury wheel and update the address records using a series of processes based on your specific plan. National Change of Address processing, Locatable Address Correction Service and deceased suppression are some of the methods utilized. We then return your updated list in your JMS format for a seamless transition back to your court’s database.


Correspondence Creation

We can manage and mail your summons, questionnaires, and other communications. Choose only what you need from designing, printing, inserting and mailing, you decide what you need us to do.

Your questionnaires, summons and other communications need to be produced and mailed with accuracy, efficiency and a quick turnaround. These are some of our specialties. If you would like to create a new look or add additional juror communications, we can help you with that as well.

How Helpful Is
Your Juror Summons?

An updated juror summons can reduce the amount of time and resources spent answering questions and providing clarification.

Take the opportunity to include information such as:
• Personal Juror Information
• Qualification Questionnaire
• Check in Procedures
• Parking & Directions
• What to Expect
• Accommodations & Allowances
• Frequently Asked Questions


Tour Our Facility Here or In Person

Check out our warehouse and how we do things. Watch the video below or contact us to schedule an in-person tour.

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