How to Determine Your Direct Mail Campaign Strategy

How to Determine Your Direct Mail Campaign Strategy

Even the greatest direct mail campaign can flounder if you don’t ask yourself important questions upfront. Moreover, if you fail to choose the correct direct mail campaign strategy, all of your hard work might be completely ignored because it’s the wrong place, the wrong time, or even in the wrong hands.

At Bluegrass, we do the work to inform you of your options. Beyond that, we listen to your needs and create a tailored strategy to accomplish your marketing goals. Mail is not one-size-fits-all; it’s as unique and distinct as your message, so you want to be sure you communicate it flawlessly by understanding the components to an airtight mailing campaign strategy.

Review Your Message & Its Intended Audience

Before you even begin, it’s important to ask yourself two questions. Your answer will take you a long way in determining your intended market as well as the type of direct mail marketing you use.

What is Your Goal?

It seems obvious, right? Yet, getting down to the actionable, intentional core of your message is something that many businesses fail to do. Surface-level doesn’t cut it, either. Ask yourself what you’re trying to accomplish and answer honestly.

Who is Your Intended Audience?

Visualize your success; someone has read your message and accomplished exactly what you wanted them to. Now, what does that person look like? Who is your audience? While it’s good to picture your demographic, it’s still not enough. We’ll help you target a relevant audience geographically, demographically, and even using psychographics.

Once those two questions are answered, it’s time to choose one or more mail campaigns that suit your message.

Targeted Mailing

The more you know about a customer, the better you can engage with them. Targeted mailing is exactly how it sounds—we take the information you’ve collected on your customers’ browsing, buying, and geographical data and use it to give them a precise, concise, and personal experience that will keep them coming back.

We are no strangers to targeted mailing campaigns.

Bulk Mail

While we don’t consider bulk mail a campaign on its own, it’s an important component to every large-scale campaign. To put it simply, the USPS bulk mail program saves you money on large-scale targeted mailing. Much of your direct mail could meet the requirements laid out by the USPS and we’ll make sure we dot the Is and cross the Ts to save you money.

Read more about what qualifies as bulk mail and how to take advantage of the savings in our comprehensive bulk mail article.

Every Door Direct Mail

Have you ever heard of Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM)? It’s a valuable tool in intelligently targeting your audience. Think of EDDM as an interactive digital map; it lets you target your mailing based on neighborhood, zip code, or even by point-and-click.

EDDM shines in its ability to quickly quantify the mailing net you just cast—it’ll tell you how many households versus businesses there are in your radius and instantly calculates postage. There’s no guesswork!

Saturation Mailing

What if you could do the work of sorting your large-scale direct mail campaign, thereby saving on that cost when your mail arrived at the post office? Saturation mailing does exactly that. This is a great strategy for casting a wide direct mail net while saving on the cost of the post office sorting all that mail.

Direct Mail Campaigns Can Be Multi-Faceted

Let’s work together on your direct mailing campaign strategy. You don’t have to settle on one medium or channel; we’ve found that the most effective marketing comes from multiple channels, sometimes even from multiple varieties of mail. What we decide on together, know that we’re proponents of thoughtful marketing; we’ll get in the weeds with you or make your campaign as simple as possible.

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