Mail Your Bills In An Envelope For Better Results

Mail Your Bills In An Envelope For Better Results

Any business that uses postcards for billing might want to consider doing the same. Here are three reasons that a bill mailed in an envelope trumps a postcard bill.

1. An envelope prevents damage

Postcards can get ripped, torn and bent by postal processing equipment. They are more likely to get “lost” in the mail, either by the postal service or in the pile of mail that a homeowner brings in from the mailbox. Every month, businesses spend hours fielding calls from customers whose postcard bills have been lost in the mail. When companies change to a traditional bill, those phone calls become almost nonexistent.

2. An envelope increases privacy

Postcards aren’t private. In an era where identity theft is a major concern, postcard bills make a lot of personal information easily available. Utility bills in particular might be of interest to someone who is applying for a loan and needs to list accounts in good standing to prove their financial stability to lenders.

3. You can optimize white space

Postcards have no room to relay other messages. Our customers who have switched to mailing their bills in envelopes love the fact they can use empty space on the bill to give their customers more. They can provide tips on how to cut costs, provide safety tips or use charts and graphs to show them how this year’s utility use compares to last year.

A postcard costs less to mail and print, but when you weigh the time spent fielding phone calls, resending bills and the marketing and communication opportunities a traditional bill provides, it is worth the extra cost.

For more information about transactional services, check out “Seven Questions to Ask Before You Outsource Your Billing”.

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